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LogiQuest: Ticket to Ride - Track Switcher

LogiQuest: Ticket to Ride - Track Switcher

New, 1 in stock
  • Description

    The early 1900s were the Age of the Locomotive and railways connected every major city in the country. Trains were more popular than ever as people could travel greater distances in a matter of a few days. Railyards were continuously abuzz with activity as engineers and yard workers scrambled to move cars onto their departure tracks. Players take on the essential role of the Railyard Manager, ensuring that every train departs on time. As the Railyard Manager, players will need to direct locomotives and shift cars to their correct position as the clock is ticking.

  • Details
    Ages: 8 and up
    Players: 1
    Publisher: Days of Wonder
    Time: 30 Min
    Year: 2021